1) The dungeon, the unfinished apt in the basement, is being redone. It is taking forever to get redone, but it is actually happening. A small unit, it is almost totally underground except for the north side which opens to a sunken courtyard. 1/2 of the courtyard is in dispute between the owners, so it will remain an unfinished, unsightly testimonial to utter stupidity and maliciousness. I hope it is done soon, it is making me weary.
2) We are getting a new hall AC unit installed. The old one, 26 yrs of service, finally bit the dust. The Powers of the Towers almost opted for repairing it, but smarter minds prevailed and a new one arrived this AM.
3)We had to have an old plumbing pipe replaced that was leaking and causing all sorts of havoc. The Plumbers thought it would be a day long project, but like everything here, it became complex and costly. $3,000 and 2 weeks later, it is done. Again, like the AC, it involved some of the original equipment, this time dating back to the building's construction in 1915. The pipe, encased in thick, hard English concrete and brick, was reluctant to come out, even in in it's rusty state. Jackhammers were called in to free it from the wall. Dust was everywhere, noise was deafening. But now the water flows unimpeded to all. We are happy.
4) Our hibiscus looks great!

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