Sunday, November 13, 2011

HRH Olive, The Princess Royal

Royal Announcement
Puggingham Palace

From the Lord Great Chamberlain:

We joyously announce the arrival of The Princess Olive at Puggingham Palace on 11/5/11

The Princess arrived in the Royal limo around 7:30PM and immediately toured the Palace Garden. After greeting Palace staff, HRH settled in to her new Royal Apartment soon after.

HRH has received greetings from King Pip in which HM Pip has proclaimed that she shall immediately be Styled and Titled HRH Olive, the Princess Royal and is to receive all the benefits and honours due her.

HM King Pip further decreed 3 days of Festival Celebrations beginning Sunday November 5th and continuing through Tuesday November 8th.  He has commanded treats for all, plus parties and fireworks are ordered.

Her First Royal Portrait:

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