Sunday, July 08, 2007

Roll Out

7/8/07... a big day in aviation history is upon us. This PM at about 5:30 CDT (3:30 PDT) the revolutionary Boeing 787 "Dreamliner" (silly name) will roll out from the hanger at Boeing Field in Seattle. I'll post a picture later today. The 787 is the first all new airplane from Boeing since the successful 777 was introduced in 1995.

The 787 promises to revolutionize air travel by being more efficient, quiet and long ranged. The main model the 787-8 carries 250 passengers on routes of 7,650 to 8,200 miles The bigger 787-9 transports up to 290 passengers on routes over 8,000 to 8,500 miles. The 787-3 is a high density, shorter range model for Japanese airlines

The 787 is a mid-size airplane with jumbo jet range and speed. Boeing promises that the 787 will provide airlines with unheard of fuel efficiency, using up to 20 % less fuel than a similar capacity plane currently on the market.

Boeing correctly assessed the market for this type of airplane. As of this post, Boeing has 47 customers ordering 677 airplanes. All before the first one sees the light of day; a tremendous achievement. While rival Airbus promoted its super-jumbo 380 with up to 500 seats, Boeing felt that airlines needed a "point to point" jet, more frequent service on long, thin routes. While the A380 will be a benefit for high density routes into airports with restricted slots, like London Heathrow, the 787 will be doing routes such as central Europe to China, Houston to Japan, Las Vegas to Paris, opening up new non-stop routes or replacing 1/2 full jumbos. Boeing did not neglect the interior either, adding larger windows, better cabin air management and superior space.

Today is just the roll out, the first public viewing for Line Number 1, all painted and pretty. She probably could not fly yet as all the systems are not in place. That comes later in August/early September. She is scheduled to be in service in 2008.

We have seen her with out her make-up as she was rolled out under cover of darkness to the paint shop and even then she was a looker. With all her make up, shiny and primped, she will be a delight to see!

Check out and you can watch the roll out on a live web cast.


Isn't she a beauty!!? 787

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